Media Articles
- Source:
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: See how Karepovac looks today
- Read the full article here
- Source: MrežaTV
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: Karepovac
- Watch the full News Report here
- Source: City of Split
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: New face of Karepovc
- Read the full article here
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: The construction of Karepovc goes faster than the plan
- Read the full article here
- Source:
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: See how Karepovac looks like today
- Read the full article here
- Source:
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: in a year and a half we will have a green surface
- Read the Full News Article here
- Source: MrežaTV
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: Karepovac New Marijan
- Watch the Full News Report here
- Source: HRT
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: Restoration of Splitski Karepovac going faster than planned
- Watch the Full News Report Here
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: Karepovac no longer just a pile of trash: see how works have radically altered the appearance of the Split landfill
- Read the Full News Article here
- Source: HRT News
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: Agreements on commencing the restoration of the Karepovac landfill signed
- Read the Full News Article here
- Source: Portal Grada Kaštela
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: Restoration of Karepovac finally begins, machines are on their way!
- Read the Full News Article here
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: Environmental Protection Fund: 22 million kuna works on the restoration of Sitnica landfill starting soon
- Read the Full News Article here
- Source:
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: "Safe Zone" on the location of the sanitation construction site and closure of the dangerous waste landfill
- Read the Full News Article here
- Source:
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: Mayor of Split and Environmental Protection MP visit Karepovac
- Read the Full News Article here
- Source: Rivijera News
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: The first outlines of the remediated area of the Osojnica landfill can be seen
- Read the Full News Article here
- Source:
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: The first outlines of the remediated area of the Osojnica landfill can be seen
- Read the Full News Article here
- Source:
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: The first outlines of the remediated area of the Osojnica landfill can be seen
- Read the Full News Article here
- Source: Slobodna Dalmacija
- Title: G.T. trade d.o.o.
- Description: work permit for the remediation of the Grabovica landfill obtained
- Read the Full News Article here